How to make ombre (dip dyed) scarves step by step guide
Step 1.......Soak the scarves with wetting agents at least for 15 minutes
Step 2.....Take out the scarves from the pot, extract the water using hydro extractor machine or by hand. Take a wooden, aluminum or steel rod then roll the scarves on the rod as shown in the picture, here I have taken 3 silk cashmere scarves of 36x80 inch size. Please do not roll more than 3 pieces, if the layer is thick we won't get the desired result.
Step 3.......after rolling let it be like this
Step 4 ..........hold the rolled scarves like above shown in the picture, slowly dip the lowest part in to the dye bath, here I have used acid dyes with lowest possible pH around 6 adjusted with acetic acid, start dipping at around 40 degree Celsius

Step at this point temperature should be around 60 degree Celsius, go on dipping looking at gradient
Step 8...... Now unroll the scarves from rod and start dipping by hands
Step it carefully cause it's very hot now, finish as per its flow in up direction, so that no any uneven patches come, let the dyes distribution be beautifully lightened in upward direction
Step 10......Now take out the scarves put then into cold water, don't stop the heating let it be on its around 80 degree Celsius
Step 11...Now put the scarves into the dye bath, remember don't put the scarves without putting it into cold water otherwise result may uneven and patchy shading. Stir vigorously up to boiling point
Step 12.....See the dyes have migrated to fabric, it is almost exhausted, stop heating and take it out from pot
Step 13 ......Take out from pot.Wash it, first cold wash then soap wash and finally add finishing agent like silicon softener

Step.14........Extract the water using spinning machine and see the shading. This is a perfect ombre
Step 15....Dry it. Finally we got the ombre or dip dyed scarves
Now it's your time. Come on...Try it. You can do it.
Good luck!!:)
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